A Journey of wonder and growth: from Kenya to America at Holy Wisdom Monastery

Holy Wisdom MonasteryUncategorized 1 Comment

By Everline Jeruto, OSB

Embarking on a remarkable journey from Kenya to America and finding solace and spiritual connection at Holy Wisdom Monastery, has been a life-changing experience for me. This incredible voyage has opened my eyes to new discoveries about myself, the intricate workings of God and the importance of personal growth. I owe my success to the collective effort and unwavering support of several amazing individuals and communities that have been instrumental in shaping my path.

I am eternally grateful to the sisters at Holy Wisdom Monastery, Sisters Joanne Kollasch, Mary David Walgenbach and Lynne Smith who warmly welcomed me into their community. Their care, support and unwavering love allowed me to find a place I can call home and nurtured the feeling of belonging within me. The sisters’ guidance and teachings have provided me with a strong spiritual foundation and a profound sense of purpose.

As a religious studies student, my time in school has been transformative. Through these studies, I have delved deeper into the core of my being, gaining a greater understanding of myself and the mysterious ways in which God works within me. These lessons have facilitated immense personal growth, helping me develop meaningful relationships with myself, others, all of creation and ultimately, with God.

My journey from Kenya to America and my subsequent academic success have been made possible by the unwavering support and contributions of numerous individuals. This journey has been a testament to the African proverb that states, “It takes a whole village to raise a child,” and you have all proven this proverb to be true. My success is your success, and I cannot express how deeply grateful I am to each one of you.

The Sunday Assembly community, through their financial assistance, words of advice and unwavering presence, has played a pivotal role in my academic journey. Their generosity and encouragement have uplifted me and made the challenges more bearable. Additionally, those who aided me in practicing driving skills until I passed my test deserve immense acknowledgment, as their assistance greatly eased my commute to and from school.

My deep gratitude goes to the Dominican Sisters for their financial scholarship which has not only allowed me to pursue the dreams of my education but has also opened doors to endless possibilities and personal growth.

I extend my gratitude to the Edgewood College teachers and staff. Their dedication to education and passion for empowering students have made my time at the college truly memorable. Considering this incredible journey, I extend an invitation to all of you to join me in celebrating this success. Please join me on Sunday (Dec. 17, 2023, at 10:00 am) so that we can all come together, rejoice and commemorate the milestones we have achieved. It will be a joyous occasion to express my gratitude in person and to celebrate the power of community and support.

Comments 1

  1. Dear Everline,
    Blessings, my Dear Friend. I take the privilege of calling you my Dear Friend, for anyone who finds a true place for their heart in Holy Wisdom Monastery joins with the many blessed folk who have been doing this for 70 years, becoming Dear Friends. Now, I can not take claim to have been a friend of Holy Wisdom for 70 years, but I can stand in gratitude for my deep connection with the community for at least 40 years. My prayer and hope is that 40 years from now you will be one of the blessed pillars of strength for the many future generations of Dear Friends yet to discover the Divine in their lives and hearts through your presence and ministry at Holy Wisdom.
    Everline, I share the following poem as my humble gift offering to you this special Christmas. For is not every Christmas a very special reminder that we are all Divine, through our mysterious and wonderful being in love with the God who is in love with us?
    I Will Light Candles This Christmas.

    Candles of Joy, despite all sadness.
    Candles of Hope where despair keeps watch.
    Candles of Courage for fears ever present.
    Candles of Peace for tempest-tossed days.
    Candles of Grace to ease heavy burdens.
    Candles of Love to inspire all my living.
    Candles that will burn all the year long.
    Howard Thurman, 1950.

    Howard Thurman (1899-1981) was an African-American minister who became known as an internationally renowned theologian, mystic, poet, and civil rights leader. He founded the first interracial and interdenominational church in the U.S. He believed that “There must always be remaining in everyone’s life some place for the singing of angels.”
    My Dear Friend Everline, I am so grateful you have found your way to Holy Wisdom Monastery. May your journey be richly and deeply blessed.

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